PediaSmart Organic DAIRY Vanilla Complete Nutrition Beverage Powder, 12.7 Ounce

PediaSmart Organic DAIRY Vanilla Complete Nutrition Beverage Powder, 12.7 OunceI've been using Nature's One products for several years. I have twins and my boy twin was a terrible eater. At four months I could barely get him to finish two ounces of formula or breast milk and he wasn't gaining weight. I knew we had to intervene (I'm an RN). I discussed Pedia Smart with our Doctor and he agreed that my baby would be fine, even though this product is meant for toddlers over 12 months. My baby gained 2 pounds the first month he was on Pedia Smart and although he still struggled with eating, this product provided enough nutrition and calories to keep him gaining. By the way, he was a 33 week preemie. The Pedia Smart is thicker than regular formula and I use a size three Avent nipple, and have done so since 4 months of age.

Thank you Nature's one.

I just found this stuff and have been giving it to my 2 year old who isn't the best eater. We had no problem switching from the regular pediasure to this. I read the last review and have had no issue at all like he explained with his child. My son has never thrown up on it or been sick. I'm just glad to give him something more natural that doesn't contain all those unnecessary ingredients.

Buy PediaSmart Organic DAIRY Vanilla Complete Nutrition Beverage Powder, 12.7 Ounce Now

I think this stuff is just amazing. The nutritional value is wonderful, and if you have a child who likes pediasure, they will more than likely like this as well. My 3 year old is autistic, and an EXTREMELY picky eater. But he will drink the crud out of this stuff. Before I found this product I was worried how I would get natural, wholesome nutrition down him. But now I know with this, I can get him all the nutrition he needs on the days we struggle to get him to eat well, if at all. But even kids who just need the nutrition boost could really benefit form this no-nonsense, organic drink. It's recommended for ages all the way up to 13 I believe, if you could get a kid that old to drink it!

For some of the complains I've heard about this product. I've never had a my son get sick using this, not ONCE, and we've used it for about a year. The fix for this may be the same as for the other complaint I often hear, which is it is too difficult to mix. You may not be blending it well enough. It can be kind of tricky to combine this well, and if they drink it too concentrated I imagine it could absolutely cause an upset stomach. A really good trick I learned from a mom on another site is to only add about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of the liquid first, and use a whisk to make it into a paste. Once the paste is fully incorporated, add the water again in two more batches, mixing thoroughly between each addition. You will find if you do this, it mixes wonderfully and becomes just as smooth and creamy as pediasure. It is a little more work, but for a wholesome, all natural, organic alternative without the "yucky" stuff, it is worth it to any child that needs it.

Read Best Reviews of PediaSmart Organic DAIRY Vanilla Complete Nutrition Beverage Powder, 12.7 Ounce Here

I bought this for my foster son who needed extra calories for weight gain. He has put on more weight and I love the fact that the ingredients are much better than what I could find on the shelf. He absolutely loves it and will drink it over and beyond anything else. And he loves the chocolate flavor too.

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I give this mix top ratings for vitamins, calories, and protein content, the fact that it's organic and not made with corn. But my kids despise it. Right now, I'd spoonfeed them corn syrup if I thought that would help at all.

I have tried Pedia-smart with ice, blended, etc. I agree, as I've tasted it, it's pretty gross. It's got a fatty aftertaste that tastes like vitamins. My second daughter was mostly breastfed and was supplemented by the Baby's Only Dairy formula, so I thought this would be worth the try.

I have tiny girls who are not gaining, trying to get my 2 year old to gain weight before a second weigh in to check her gain, but she's not a big eater and she tends towards the fruits/veggies/cheese and not so much the meat and grains and fats. My 7 year old is too active and can't gain. I bought this to supplement them so that they could sip something and still get calories.

Not happening. They hate it. I mean they REALLY HATE it. They'd rather not drink anything if this is the only option. Looking for alternatives.


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