in our home for at least fourty yers. We enjoy it as much
today as we always have. We're ordinarily not real big on
a sit down breakfast & so we appreciate having the nourishment
of a sit down morning meal sort of "on the go". It's a great
benifit to find it at such a good price on Amazon AND have
it delivered to our home on a regular basis.
Years ago Carnation used to make a coffee flavored Instant
Breakfast srink & it was killer good! Seems like as many
varied coffee products selling so well these days they would
bring it back. We'd love that, & so might you. :)I love that I can order Carnation Vanilla packets on line for a dollar less then the stores (if you can find vanilla). Also get it in 2 days. Now these guys were $2.50 off per 10 packets and I saved over $40 on the order. Can't do much better than that.My husband depends on a stomach feeding tube for all nourishment. He cannot take in anything by mouth. Carnation Breakfast Essentials have been a real blessing in helping to get some caloric value back into his body. We have used as many as five packets a day. Thank you for such a great product. The convience of use also are of the utmost importance.The Carnation website says all powders (except 'malt' flavored) are gluten-free, but the label gives the disclaimer that it is processed in a facility that also handles wheat products This is the response I got today:
"In response to your inquiry, yes, the Chocolate Malt flavor is the only flavor containing barley malt, which would contain some gluten. The other flavors in the powders are made on the same lines as the Chocolate Malt, which does increase the slight chance of any cross-contamination of gluten. We do take all precautions in minimizing any gluten coming in contact with the other flavors but cannot guarantee they be gluten free. Also, we do not test the amount of gluten in the flavors. If you are highly sensitive to gluten, we recommend you not use the Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials drinks. Please speak with your physician for more information.
For a completely gluten free nutritional drink, we would like to bring to your attention the all Boost nutritional drinks are gluten free. There is also no risk of cross-contamination as the Boost products are made in a separate facility."My 4 year old has been drinking these since he was 1.5 years old. He is allergic to raw vitamins or chewy vitamins so he gets his vitamin supplements from the Breakfast Essentials/Instant Breakfast. The vanilla flavor is the best flavor of them all. I highly recommend this to anyone who doesn't feel like they have time to eat a good breakfast or get breakfast at all. It has a decent amount of calories and packed with vitamins. For a reduced sugar diet I recommend the "no added sugar" counterpart of this product. It tastes less sugary and more like vanilla milk.
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