But now, we have discovered another joy by Millstone. Breakfast Blend is a light roast coffee which is what we enjoy drinking. It is a great cup of coffee to wake up with. It is not bitter and does not leave a bad taste.
Like Hazelnut Creme, I only wish it was easier to purchase. I wish Amazon would routinely carry this coffee with Prime.I like the brewed Millstone Breakfast blend very much but find it doesn't translate as well into a k-cup. It doesn't taste as rich and full as their regular blend for coffeemaker.I was surprise at the smooth light coffee flavor. Good cup for later at night when you want a cup of coffee without staying up too late...This K cup breakfast blend is one of the best I have tried for that first morning cup. The flavor is full body and does not kick back like some brands that are too strong and give acid reflux. This coffee is really smooth and nice without that over bold taste kickback. Every cup had been very consistant and dependable. If you like morning blends you will be thrilled with this one.The coffee is actually very nice, but the price is way too high. I just bought a box for 7.99 for the 12 pack which means 3 packs would be @ $24.00. this is no deal
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